We proudly rattle off names such as, Buddha, Mahaveer, Gandhi, Dayanand Saraswati when we have to aggrendise our country. And this is what we do to voiceless creatures. I wish they had the power to vote! What is more sickening is the religious angle being added to it. A community, they say, wants dogs to be killed. Which religion, which messanger, which Prophet on earth ever said kill helpless animals? Can we please keep religion out of this? These creatures are already suffering enough.
"Durbal Ko Na Sataaiye Jaaki Moti Haaya
Binaa Jeeva Kee Ssvans So Loha Bhasma Hoi Jaaya"
(Do not trample the meek, their curses have power. Even iron is melted by lifeless hot air.)
won't they ever learn? there's no point killing the stray doggies as long as there's food available outside. New doggies will move in and fight for territory. Much better to neuter the strays already there.
sir, please help
At kaggadaspura extn (C.V.Raman nagar). a small puppy is about to die. his back two legs are broken by some unknown cause. if u give treatment soon, it may survive. he is draging himself with the frontlegs. heartbreaking scene.
if u call me, i will tell u the location,
salih Rawther
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