Pick up a newspaper and every now and then you will find a case of dog bite. Who is to blame? One major reason apart from public negligence and apathy towards why the problem exists in first place, is some over zealous but ill informed BBMP officers. In a game of "I am samarter" these officers employ private vehicles and people to catch dogs from their area and release them in another area or worse kill and dump these dogs. Friendly, neutered dogs are picked up and dumped elsewhere. So while the officer thinks he has "cleaned" his area, he does not know he has created problem not only for his area but the area where he is dumping too. Besides being illegal it is sheer foolishness and seriously endangers the success of ABC. It is not only making innocnet dogs face death sentence but jeopardizes the safety of citizens too. Click these two links to learn why this method does not work, what will work. This fact that relocation and killing neutered dogs is so dangerous and unwanted is common sense.
People have been complaing about relocation, killing of friendly community dogs and the resulting dog bites because of new dogs being introduced in random areas. But then who cares? after all it is a dog's life. Kill and move on. This is what some smart BBMP officials think.
Please read the news article below and report any van besides these picking up dogs. Neutered dogs should not be picked up at all. Even for revaccination, it has to be done on the spot. Please safegaurd your community dogs and in turn make it safer for all the kids in your area too.
List of numbers of vehicles designated for each NGO and the BBMP
BBMP — KA-01 893 and KA-01 895
CUPA — KA-01 6515 KA-01-A- 6515 KA- 01- A- 3271
ARF — KA-01 A 6516 and KA-05 C 2237
Krupa — KA-01 A 3273 and KA-41 121
Karuna — KA-01 3272
Deccan Herald 30.07.07
A great read!
this morning i saw a BBMP van and I'm hoping the stray they caught is not going to be killed!
I saw them get a few signatures from a few distant neighbors but before i could talk to them, they drove away!
thanks for the info.
hi sushrutha,
I understand your love for dogs. But to campaign against their elimination, under the present conditions is unrealistic, impractical and if taken to an extreme degree, hypocritical too.
The BBMP simply doesn't have the resources to take the measures you are suggesting (such as dog shelter, rehabs). Do you think BBMP can feed and shelter 70,000 dogs? Even if they were, it would be wiser to use that money on hungry beggars/invalids (who may number the same). In fact, in my opinion, for such a corrupt and bureauratic organization like these, deciding to act against stray dogs is by itself commendable. And people like you are hampering once-in-a bluemoon effors of them.Besides, they have more important things to worry about, like roads, garbage, water.
One human's life is far more valuable than all the dogs on earth combined together. And if little children are being killed by dogs, its the most appalling. Would you still take the same stand if the dead were one of your children, relatives? So, focus your energies on stopping cows walking on roads, eating garbage, overmilking by farmers.
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